What's happening at Nutmeg Farm

A lot has been happening here on the farm since Feb 2012. Mel has joined the team here and is brining her expertise of having equipment, farming, and carpentry. This blog should be titled "What is Mel up to today". On any given day, you can hear the sounds of chainsaws, hammers, and heavy equipment. Mel is an army of one.

We have a new 100x200ft arena with a solid wall between the stock and the holding pens. A pond has been dug for dock diving and cooling your dogs off during the hot summer months. A 40' dock is to be completed in the spring. We have extended the parking lot. The barn is being renovated for barn hunt trials, for which we're 65% done. We have a security gate at the driveway entrance, so the facility is now secure for livestock and dogs. New fencing is being erected around the arena. We have acquired 50 geese and ducks. B Course ducks is completed.

Soon to come:
Viewing area in the indoor. Hopefully ready for the December 1st trail.
New sheep and goats in the early spring/summer.
Tending course will be finished in the spring.
100x100 solid walled training area